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By Dr. Harry Tennant

Comments: Dan S. Martin's Principal Rider

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Education Ride 365: Catch The Wave Of Mobility & Enhanced Communication

We are a mobile society.  People like to access and work with information from wherever they are.  So why shouldn't all the software applications educators use for school operations be mobile?  Why shouldn't parents and students be able to access information readily from any device with an internet connection?

Many software applications schools use are only accessible by personnel when they are physically on campus.  Even when personnel are on campus, many software applications they use are not optimized for mobile devices.  In 2012, there is no reason why personnel should have to be on a campus-networked computer to access software applications for entering grades, discipline, facility reservations, lesson plans, and the many other operational applications they should be able to enter from any digital device in the world that has web-access. 

When school officials can work from anywhere, they can be more productive and effective.  Consider the school administrator who is able to access and work on discipline during evening supervisory responsibilities because their discipline program is not only web-based, but is optimized for their iPhone, iPad, Android, or other such mobile device.  When she/he needs the information or wishes to work with it, no matter where they are, it is right there on their phone or other device.  This is but one example.

Parents too should be able to access information on their child and school from any web-connected device.  Some schools have set up parent portals for parents to access grades, attendance, and cafeteria fund balances.  All other information on their student's performance---for instance, discipline records, special education documents, and more---should be similarly accessible.  When parents can readily access this information online, the school can also begin to "push" all sorts of information out to parents.  Push notifications and other communication enhancements are a wave of the future in promoting parental involvement.  More on this in coming posts.

Posted at 7:37 PM Keywords: Education Ride 365 , EdClick , Cycle Of Education , Mobility , Parent Portals , Parent Involvement 0 Comments

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