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By Dr. Harry Tennant

Comments: Dan S. Martin's Principal Rider

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Education Ride 365: All Animals Tend To Serve Most Properly When Properly Trained!

I pulled out from Ray's place in Jacksonville on Day 25 headed to Milledgeville, the antebellum capital of Georgia.  Milledgeville was the state's capital city from 1804-1868 and vestiges of this past are readily evident.  My goal was to stay in this historic city at the home of my friend Sherri Kent for a couple of nights, with a side trip just north to Athens GA, the hometown of my all-time favorite band---> R.E.M.

I never ended up riding to Athens, however, due to forecasted heavy rain that never ended up materializing.  No matter, as I could tell by twenty miles or so upon approaching Milledgeville that this was a special place for motorcycle riding!  The city is located along the geographical fall line, where water from one side of town flows toward the Atlantic Ocean, while water from the other side of town flows to the Gulf of Mexico.  The city has elevations, curves, and a rural setting prime for fun motorcycle touring.  Accordingly, after a night of rest, I spent an entire day exploring the rural roads surrounding this city of around 20,000 people.

While out on the Cycle of Education, I passed the central offices of the Baldwin County Public Schools.  Prominently displayed in the parking lot, on a hill off the road, was a school bus that caught my attention.  Initially I wasn't aware of the program it represented, but I decided to stop for a photo nonetheless.

The "Hope Bus" belongs to the "Parent University" program Baldwin County Public Schools launched in 2008.  This program "is designed to communicate with and connect with parents and guardians on how to be more involved as partners with the Baldwin County Public School System in the educational process of their children." 

After researching the program, I discovered that it is an attempt to respond to the anxieties I heard fairly regularly from parents during my time as an administrator and that I have already heard numerous times during Education Ride 365.  Specifically, parents want to be more involved supporting schools in the education of their children, but many are not confident in their ability to do so.  They are looking for guidance and support from the schools that need their support!  Baldwin County Public Schools are wise enough to meet this need.

I am reminded of a comment in response to my January 29th blog entry:

Parental involvement is often advocated as an important component for improving student performance. But the comments in this post indicate that parental involvement can be a detriment if their goals don't align with the goals of the school. If we look across an entire school, does a policy of increasing parental involvement in education help or hinder educators doing their jobs?

Parental involvement can help and hinder educators.  There will inevitably be a measure of both.  The degree to which parental involvement can help rather than hinder can be enhanced, it seems to me, by programs like Baldwin's "Parent University."  This type of program can better prepare parents for participation in constructive engagement.  It can give them the confidence and knowledge necessary for such participation.  It enlists them as active participants and can thereby lend perspective on (and dare I say empathy for) challenges the schools face working with young people in our diverse, relatively permissive society.  It calls them off the bench, teaches them the game plan, then sends them out on the field.

No sizable group of people will participate in any endeavor in a wholly positive manner, but educational institutions can and should better direct and nurture constructive engagement to maximize positive parental involvement.  The effort to do so should be well worth the payoff.

There are other ways educators can maximize the extent of constructive parental involvement.  I intend to discuss these in future posts.  People want to serve constructively in worthwhile efforts. 

My host in Milledgeville---Sherri Kent---is a perfect example.  She served our country in the military for many years, has participated in countless charitable events, and she currently volunteers her time weekly at the world famous Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta...though she lives over two hours away and keeps a busy work schedule.  Her husband Hal was similarly driven to make a difference.  In fact, he was tragically killed just over a year ago by a drunk driver during a charity bicycle ride across the United States.  He gave his life serving others.

On Day 27 of Education Ride 365, Sherri took me to the Georgia Aquarium to share her passion for this amazing educational institution and teach me more about developing an understanding of it.  Below are just a few pictures I took that day of this marvelous place:

Most all people want to serve other beings---of all species---in an effort to make this world a better place.  Many don't know how.  Thank you Sherri for sharing your home, the wonder that is the Georgia Aquarium, and for helping me consider how I and others can better serve all living organisms in a more constructive manner! 

Riding stats--- Day 25: 245.1 miles traveled, 4 hours and 46 minutes of moving time, 3 hours and 15 minutes of stopped time, 50.9 miles per hour moving average, 30.2 overall average, and a max speed of 75.5 miles per hour.  Day 26: 106 miles traveled, 2 hours and 18 minutes of moving time, 6 hours and 2 minutes of stopped time, 45.8 miles per hour average moving time, 12.7 overall average, and a max speed of 91.9 miles per hour.  Day 27: 231.1 miles traveled, 6 hours and 23 minutes of moving time, 7 hours and 21 minutes of stopped time, and a max speed of 81.4 miles per hour.

Posted at 9:15 PM Keywords: Cycle Of Education , EdClick , Education Ride 365 , Day_26 , Day_26 , Day_27 , Georgia Aquarium , Baldwin County Public School , Parent Universitys 8 Comments

Ken said...
Awesome pictures. I know want to visit the aquarium in Atlanta.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 9:44 PM

Kathie said...
I have been enjoying the blog. Loved the pictures of the aquarium! I miss that place...

Friday, February 17, 2012 3:00 PM


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