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By Dr. Harry Tennant

Comments: Dan S. Martin's Principal Rider

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Thanks Go Out To...

In the spirit of the holiday,
this is a list of some of the things I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving!

First and Foremost:
My daughter Skye Yung Martin!  She is without a doubt the most positively impactful person in my life.  She has a heart of gold.  In her I see all the potential I once had and I plan to help her make the most of it.

Immediate Family:
My brother Brian Stephens is much of what I would want to be if I could go back and do it all again.  He has ALWAYS been my rock.

My brother Seth Stephens is a model of persevering through the trials of life.  Daily he shows me the love and respect that an older brother can only hope to earn by being a great older brother.  Though I haven't much earned the distinction, I have always felt his love and respect for me.

My mom.  She has been so patient and kind to me in this second half of my life.  In many ways I am a mini-her.

For Warming the Heart:
Dogs are one of the greatest joys in life!  Whether they are your dogs or they "belong" to someone else, most any dog you ever meet is prepared to pour more love on you than anyone ever deserved!

Music is another one of the greatest joys in life!  Music has the magic power to make things better than they seem!

Knowledge is yet another (less tangible) thing I am most thankful for! 

My motorcycle is a buddy on the road.  It gives me a freedom and sense of adventure that I would otherwise miss greatly in my life.

Technology is an outlet for my constant need to create and express my abilities.

The NFL is a passion that represents one of the things I remember most positively about my youth.

Later I'll be thankful that I didn't identify three friends at the exclusion of others!

Patrick Cates was the second longest serving principal in Highland Park High School history before he retired a couple of years ago.  His professional accomplishments are many, but my love for him comes from his GENUINE heart of gold.  He is a very humble, thoughtful, educated, and respectable man.  Like my brother Brian, he is just a GREAT SOUL.

Dr. Harry Tennant is on this list not just because he is my current boss!  Rather, in part, he is on this list because he has afforded me great opportunities to make my visions of what we can do in education a reality.  Over the years, he has been endlessly supportive and incredibly patient.

Dr. Gary Gindt is a wonderful man with a progressive spirit.  He was my boss during a time when the district we worked for was in transition.  He looked after me, gave me insights into otherwise unseen ugly politics influencing our mission, and was remarkably supportive when I was offered a more promising opportunity.

There should probably not be a "finally" to a list of things one is thankful for!  As previously mentioned, this list is not at all exhaustive and there are many more souls and things I am thankful for.  Without the folks, dogs, and stuff I mentioned above---however---it is certain that I wouldn't be the person I am! 

So to these people and things
I am especially thankful!!!

Posted at 9:08 AM Keywords: EdClick , Thanksgiving , Brian Stephens , Seth Stephens , Patrick Cates , Dr. Harry Tennant , Dr. Gary Gindt 3 Comments

D said...
Dogs made the list but not me!?!?!?!? Crushed!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011 3:00 PM

Brian said...
Love it and you bro!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011 3:28 PM

Che'ri Scott said...
Amazingly put

Friday, July 11, 2014 11:05 AM


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